- Crops production & weed management laboratories.
- Crops cafeteria of 21 crops in Kharif & 20 crops Rabbi rather than local crops.
- 2 R area is allotted per student for work experience to gain practical knowledge about various crops practices.
- Conduction of all practical on farm and lab.
- Well equipped laboratories.
- Automatic meteorology observatory.
- All types farm and tillage implements and equipments.
- Various practices like seed treatments, sowing methods, irrigation layout, seed bed preparation & weed management.
- All types of seed specimen cabinet, 1 kg. bottles, small size tillage implements, charts, weed photography, herbicides samples, seed dressing drum, hoes, blades, models of Irrigation, hand refractometer etc.
- Experiential learning module of seed production.
- All the types of garden tools & equipments.
- Equipments & utensils to prepare the value added products of fruits & vegetables.
- Well maintain polyhouse in which Gerbera, Capsicum, Cucumber, Cherry Tomato etc. is cultivated.
- Shade net house for preparing seedlings of vegetables, Papaya and Sugarcane.
- Shade net house for cultivation of different vegetables.
- Mother block orchard for Propagation of different fruit crops.
- Commercial orchard of different fruit crops such as Mango, Guava, Sapota, Aonla, Kagzilime etc.
- Under our department two experiential learning module are successfully running for last year students i.e. Nursery Management & Vegetable Production.
- Medicinal & Aromatics garden.
- Advance teaching methods & material are used for effective learning.
- Facility of analytical laboratory and cattle shed.
- Availability of photos, images of live stock breeds, cattle, buffalo, sheet, goat and poultry, Pigs etc.
- Preparation of milk and milk products.
- Analysis of feeds and fodder.
- Availability of instruments and equipments for handling, restraining and specially care management of live stock.
- Experiential learning module.
- Well equipped lab with audio visual teaching aids.
- Availability of insects collection boxes, hand nets, setting board etc.
- Bio visual posters, charts, videos of various insect pest and non insect pest.
- Availability of separate dissection microscope to each students.
- Insects specimens display boards, carrying order wise classification of insects, body parts and crops pest.
- Beneficial insect display board, predators, parasitoid specimen & photograph.
- Honeybee raring.
- Bio control libratory.
- Experiential learning module.
- Well equipped teaching lab.
- Availability of laminar air flow.
- Separate microscope for every student in the batch.
- Live sample and specimen of various diseases.
- Laminated photographs of diseases and life cycle of casual organization.
- Automatic auto clave and mushroom production unit.
- Biological control laboratory.
- Experiential learning module.
- Soil & Water Testing Facility.
- Charges are Feasible which can afford by farmers i.e. Rs. 100/- per sample.
- For the analysis of micronutrients in soil Atomic Absorption spectrometer is available.
- On the basis of soil test results fertilizer recommendation are suggested for various crops.
- Water qualities for irrigation are diagnosed and suitability for various crops are suggested.
- Farmers are guided for reclamation of problematic soils.
- In soil & water sample testing students from VIII sem. (Experiential Learning) are also get involved for getting experience of soil & water testing lab.
- Annually 10,000 soil sample and 1000 water samples are analyzed in lab.
- Our soil testing lab. is registered lab under Govt. of Maharashtra rules & regulations.
- All the instruments, chemicals and glassware which are needed for conducting practical of different courses are available in lab.
Ex. Instruments :- AAS, Spectrometer, Flame Photometer, PH Meter, EC Meter, N-Analyzer, Water Distillation Unit, Balance Hot Plate Shaker, Oven, Yoddar Apparatus etc.
- Lab are displayed with various digital visual charts related with courses.
- Well equipped lab with audio visual teaching aids.
- LCD projector with sound system.
- Public address equipment system, LCD TV, DVD Player etc.
- All types of charts, posters, folders and extension publication.
- Organization of training programme for farmers, agriculture officer, NGO etc. for transfer of technology.
- Implementation of rural agricultural work experience programme.
- Organization of field visit, study tour etc.
- Organization of farmers rally, group discussion, demonstration, conducting participatory rural appraisal technic.
- Experiential learning module.
- Well equipped teaching lab.
- Availability of various charts, posters, models etc.
- Marketing channels & marketing concepts.
- Visit to APMC, Banks, Agro service center, Study tour etc.
- RAWE programme and experiential learning module.
- Student service co-operative center.
- Well equipped computer lab with latest version and configuration.
- 30 computer with internet connection.
- Cut models of various system of IC Engine.
- Serving and leveling instruments and equipments.
- Farm machinery and tillage equipments are available.
- Green house structure for protected crops.
- Various system of presser irrigation and methods of irrigation.
- Coloured charts & posters for effective teaching aids.
- Models of various soil and water conservation measures.
- Facility for conducting practical of tissue culture.
- All types of teaching aids, powerpoint presentation, charts, sun board images etc.
- Practical are conducted in lab as well as field.
- Facility of seed testing, purity test, seed germination, gel electrophoresis etc.
- Seed production programme in filed for various crops.
- Experiential learning module.