Bachelor in Agriculture Science (B.Sc. Agri.)


Subject Course No. Title Credits
Agronomy AGRO-111 Principles of Agronomy 1+1=2
AGRO-112 Agricultural Meteorology 1+1=2
AGRO-113 Introductory Agriculture (Ancient heritage, agricultural scenario and gender equity in Agriculture) 1+0=1
Botany BOT-111 Environmental Science 1+1=2
Soil Science SSAC-111 Introduction to Soil Science 2+1=3
Plant Pathology PATH-111 Introductory Plant Pathology 1+1=2
Horticulture HORT-111 Production Technology of Fruit Crops 2+1=3
Agricultural Extension EXTN-111 Fundamentals of Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology 2+0=2
Animal Science and Dairy Science ASDS-111 Livestock Production and Management 1+1=2
English LANG-111 Comprehension and Communication Skills in English 1+1=2(NC)
Mathematics MATH – 111 Mathematics (Deficiency Course) 1+1=2 (NC)
Physical Education PHY-EDN-111 Physical Education 0+1=1(NC)

Semester – II

Subject Course No. Title Credits
Agronomy AGRO-124 Water Management including Micro-irrigation 2+1=3
Soil Science SSAC-122 Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management 2+1=3
Plant Pathology MIBO-121 Agricultural Microbiology 2+1=3
Botany BOT-122 Principles of genetics 2+1=2
Agricultural Economics ECON-121 Principles of Agricultural Economics 2+0=2
Agricultural Extension EXTN-122 Dimensions of Agricultural Extension 1+1=2
Agricultural Engineering ENGG-121 Fundamentals of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 1+1=2
Statistics STAT-121 Statistics 1+1=2
NSS/NCC NSS/NCC-121 National Service Scheme/
National Cadet Corps

Semester III

Subject Course No. Title Credits
Agronomy AGRO-235 Field Crops – (I) (Kharif Crops) 2+1=3
AGRO-236 Practical Crop Production (I)
(Kharif Crops)
Botany BOT-233 Principles of Plant Breeding 2+1=3
BOT-234 Crop Physiology 2+1=3
Plant Pathology PATH-232 Principles of Plant Pathology 1+1=2
Entomology ENT-231 Insect Morphology and Systematics 2+1=3
Horticulture HORT-232 Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers 1+1=2
Agricultural Engineering ENGG-232 Introduction to Computer and Applications 1+1=2
ECON-232 Production Economics and Farm Management 1+1=2

Semester –IV

Subject Course No Title Credits
Agronomy AGRO-247 Field Crops-(II) (Rabi Crops) 2+1=3
AGRO-248 Practical Crop Production (II) (Rabi Crops) 0+1=1
Botany BOT- 245 Breeding of field and Horticultural crops 2+1=3
Soil Science SSAC- 243 Manures,Fertilizers and Agrochemicals 2+1=3
Plant Pathology PATH- 243 Diseases of Field Crops and their Management 2+1=3
Entomology ENTO-242 Insect Ecology, Integrated Pest Management and Beneficial Insects 2+1=3
Horticulture HORT-243 Production Technology of Spices, Aromatics, Medicinal and Plantation Crops. 1+1=2
Agricultural Economics ECON- 243 Agricultural Finance &Co-operation. 1+1=2
Animal Science & Dairy Science ASDS-242 Livestock Breeding and Nutrition. 1+1=2


Subject Course No. Title Credits
Agronomy AGRO-359 Weed Management 1+1=2
Botany BOT-356 Principles of Plant Biotechnology 2+1=3
Plant Pathology PATH-354 Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their Management 2+1=3
Agricultural Economics ECON-354 Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices 1+1=2
Agricultural Extension EXTN-353 Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technology 1+1=2
Animal Science and Dairy Science ASDS-353 Technology of milk and milk Products. 1+1=2
Agricultural Engineering ENGG-353 Farm Power and Machinery 1+1=2
Entomology ENTO-353 Crop Pests and Stored Grain Pests and their Management 2+1=3
Soil Science SSAC-354 Biochemistry 2+1=3


Subject Course No. Title Credits
Agronomy AGRO-3610 Farming systems and sustainable Agriculture 1+1=2
Agronomy AGRO-3611 Organic and Rainfed farming 1+1=2
Botany BOT-367 Principles of Seed Technology 2+1=3
Horticulture HORT-364 Post-harvest Management and value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables. 1+1=2
Agricultural Economics ECON-365 Agri-Business Management 1+1=2
Agricultural Extension EXTN-364 Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills 1+1=2
Animal Science and Dairy Science ASDS-364 Sheep & Goat production 1+1=2
Agricultural Engineering ENGG-364 Protected Cultivation and Post-harvest Technology 1+1=2
Agricultural Entomology ENTO-364 Introductory Nematology 1+1=2

Semester-VII (RAWE – Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme)

Sr.No Courses Credits Marks
1 Agronomy 0 + 2 100
2 Animal science & Dairy science 0 + 2 100
3 Agril. Botany 0 + 1 50
4 Agril. Economics 0 + 2 100
5 Agril. Entomology 0 + 2 100
6 Agril. Engineering 0 + 1 50
7 Extension Education 0 + 2 100
8 Horticulture 0 + 2 100
9 Plant Pathology 0 + 2 100
10 Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry 0 + 2 100
11 Reports on Study of ARC/KVK 0 + 2 50
12 Reports on Study of Agro Based Indu. 50
Total 0 + 20 1000

Semester VIII (Modules)

Sr. No. Course No. Title Credit
1 SSAC-486 Soil and water clinic
2 PATH-487 Bio-fertilizer production
3 HORT-487 Nursery management of horticulture
4 AGRO-483 Seed production of field crops and processing
5 ASDS-467 Milk and milk production
6 ENT-488 Mulberry sericulture
7 ENGG-486 Farm mechanization 0+20=20
8 HORT-488 Protected cultivation of high value horticulture crops
9 PATH-486 Mushroom production
10 ENT-487 Mass production of bio agents and bio pesticides
11 BOT-489 Commercial plant tissue culture
12 HORT-486 Vegetable production
Total 20

Revised Course Curriculum and Syllabus
(As per the recommendation of Vth Deans’ Committee-ICAR New Delhi)
Undergraduate – B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture
Semester wise Course Lay Out


Course No. Courses Credit(T) Credit(P) Credit(Total)
A) Core courses
AGRO 111 Fundamentals of Agronomy-I 1 1 2
AGRO 112 Introductory Agro-meteorology and Climate change 1 1 2
AHDS 111 Livestock Production & Management 1 1 2
EXTN 111 Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology 2 -- 2
HORT 111 Fundamentals of Horticulture 1 1 2
LANG 111 Comprehension & Communication Skills in English 1 1 2
MIBO 111 Introductory Microbiology 1 1 2
SSAC 111 Fundamentals of Soil Science 2 1 3
Total Core Courses 10 7 17
B) Remedial Courses (3 or 5 credit)
AGH 111 Agricultural Heritage*1 1 -- 1
BIO 111 Introductory biology *2 1 1 2
Sub total 3/4 0/1 3/5
C) Non-Gradial Courses (4 credits) --
HVE 111 Human Values & Ethics 1 -- 1
DEG 111 Democracy, Elections and Good Governance 1 -- 1
NCC 111/ NSS 111 NCC/ NSS ** -- 1 1
PHEY 111 Physical Education and Yoga -- 1 1
Sub total 2 2 4
Total Credits (A+B+C) 15/16 9/10 24/26

* Remedial Courses (3/5 credit)                  ** Non-Gradial Courses (4 Credits)
*1Compulsory to all students
*2 Students who have Biology in XII std are exempted
*3Students who have MATH in XII std are exempted
** NCC or NSS

Semester –II

Course No. Courses Credit(T) Credit(P) Credit(TOATL)
A) Core Course<
AGRO-123 Fundamentals of Agronomy-II 1 1 2
BOT 121 Fundamentals of Crop Physiology 1 1 2
ECON 121 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics 2 2
ENGG 121 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 1 1 2
ENTO-121 Fundamentals of Entomology 1 1 2
EXTN 122 Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education 2 1 3
GPB 121 Fundamentals of Genetics 2 1 3
PATH 121 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 2 1 3
Total 12 7 19
B) Non-Gradial course
FRST 121 Introduction to Forestry 1 1 2
EDNT 121 Educational Tour* 1 1
Subtotal 1 2 3
C) Common Course
EXTN 123 Communication Skills and personality Developments 1 1 2
Subtotal 1 1 2
Total Credits (A+B+C) 14 10 24

* Educational Tour shall be organized after completion of Sem.II and before start of Sem.III


Course No. Courses Credit(T) Credit(P) Credit(TOTAL)
A) Core Course
AGRO234 Crop Production Technology-I (Kharif crops) 1 1 2
AGRO 235 Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management 1 1 2
BIOCHM 231 Fundamentals of plant biochemistry and biotechnology 2 1 3
ENGG 232 Farm Machinery and Power 1 1 2
ENTO 232 Insect Ecology and Integrated pest Management 1 1 2
GPB 232 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding 1 1 2
HORT 232 Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices 1 1 2
PATH 232 Principles of Integrated Disease Management 1 1 2
STAT 231 Statistical Methods 1 1 2
Subtotal 10 9 19
B) Common Courses
COMP 231 Agri- Informatics 1 1 2
ESDM 231 Environmental Studies and Disaster Management 2 1 3
Subtotal 3 2 5
Total Credits (A+B) 13 11 24

Semester IV

Course No. Courses Credit(T) Credit(P) Credit(Total)
A) Core Course
AGRO246 Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi crops) 1 1 2
AGRO 247 Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture 1 1
AGRO 248 Principles of Organic Farming 1 1 2
AHDS 242 Livestock Breeding and Nutrition 1 1 2
ECON 242 Agriculture Finance and Cooperation 2 1 3
ENGG 243 Renewable Energy and Green Technology 1 1 2
ENTO 243 Pest of Horticultural Crops and their Management 1 1 2
GPB 243 Principles of Seed Technology 1 2 3
HORT 243 Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops 1 1 2
SSAC 242 Problematic Soils and their Management 1 1 2
Subtotal 11 10 21
B) Elective Courses (3 credits)
ELE BOT 242 Micropropogation Technologies 1 2 3
ELE EXTN 244 Agricultural Journalism 2 1 3
ELE GPB 244 Commercial Plant breeding 1 2 3
ELE PATH 243 Bio-fertilizers, Bio-control Agents and Bio-pesticides 2 1 3
Subtotal 1 2 3
C) Non-Gradial Course
EDNT 242 Study Tour* 1 1
Total Credits (A+B+C) 12 13 25

* Educational Tour shall be organized after completion of Sem.IV and before start of Sem.V

Semester V

Course No. Courses Credit(T) Credit(P) Credit(Total)
A) Core Course
AGRO359 Practical Crop Production-I (Kharif crops) 1 1
AHDS 353 Technology of Milk and Milk Products. 1 1 2
BOT 353 Intellectual Property Right 1 1
ECON 353 Agricultural Marketing Trade and Prices 2 1 3
ENTO 354 Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management- I 1 1 2
GPB 355 Crop Improvement – I (Kharif Crops) 1 1 2
HORT 354 Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping 1 1 2
PATH 354 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management 2 1 3
SSAC 353 Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management 2 1 3
Subtotal 11 8 19
B) Common Courses
EXTN 355 Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication 1 1 2
Subtotal 1 1 2
C) Elective Course (3 credits)
AGRO3510 Weed Management 2 1 3
ELE ECON 354 Agribusiness Management 2 1 3
ELE FST 351 Food Safety and Standards 2 1 3
ELE HORT 355 Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops 2 1 3
Subtotal 2 1 3
Total (A+B+C) 14 10 24

Semester VI

Course No. Courses Credit(T) Credit (P) Credit(Total)
A) Core Course
AGRO 3611 Practical Crop Production-II(Rabi crops) 1 1
AGRO 3612 Geo-informatics and Nano-technology and Precision Farming 1 1 2
AHDS 364 Sheep Goat and Poultry Production 1 1 2
ECON 365 Farm Management, Production and Resource Economics 1 1 2
ENGG 364 Protected Cultivation and secondary Agriculture 1 1 2
ENTO 365 Management of Beneficial Insects 1 1 2
FST 362 Principles of Food Science and Nutrition 2 2
GPB 366 Crop Improvement – II (Rabi crops) 1 1 2
HORT 366 Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables 1 1 2
PATH 365 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II 2 1 3
Subtotal 11 9 20
B Elective courses
ELE AGM 361 System Stimulation and Agro-advisory 2 1 3
ELE HORT 368 Hi tech Horticulture 2 1 3
ELE HORTI367 Landscaping 2 1 3
ELE SSAC 364 Agrochemicals 2 1 3
Subtotal 2 1 3
Total (A+B) 13 10 23

Semester VII & Semester VIII